Janus Henderson Investors
I spent my time at JHI working as a Digital Delivery Specialist contractor where I helped manage and edit their sites as well as spent the majority of my time building, editing, and managing their UK Investment Trust site. Website link: https://www.janushenderson.com/en-gb/uk-investment-trusts/
CUNA Mutual Group
(now TruStage)
I spent my time at CUNA (TruStage) helping them write and rebrand their website as a part of a larger, company-wide rebrand. Website link: https://www.trustage.com/
5280 Magazine
Rush University Medical Center
Treadmill Exercise Shown to Improve Parkinson’s Symptoms in Mice
Patient Testimonial: Frank’s Story
Medical Assistant Addresses Senators on Gun Violence
Twins Return to RUSH after 25 Years
The Essential Role of Social Work at RUSH
Governor Marks End of Mask Mandate
SWCA Environmental Consultants
Ephemeral But Not Forgotten: SWCA Works To Protect Playas On The Ogallala Aquifer (The Wire)
If You Give A Mouse An Albatross
If You Give A Mouse An Albatross (The Wire)
SWCA Helps Map Site Of Spanish Contact-Period Battle In New Mexico
Project Profile: SWCA Temporarily Relocates Laysan Ducks at Midway Atoll